Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Lost... but in good way

After yesterday's daddy-long-legs hunt, I got carried away in my quest to find some more and wandered outside of my territory.

This was a bit silly, as there's lots of bite-crime in some areas.

Anyway, I found myself in this garden and, when I went to the end of it, there was a big room. I've seen humans put those scary things, that go 'vrooooom', in one of these rooms.

I didn't see any vroooooms, but there were lots of interesting things. I was both excited and unsure at first so I flicked my tail from side to side for a bit, then miaowed to no-one in particular.

In one corner was a 'bukit' (that's what I've heard daddy say) with a weird chewy cloth and a yellow spongy thing in it. I tried a bite of the yellow spongy thing too, but it tasted horrible so I spat it out.

Next I sniffed a big picture of some humans standing together. It looked like a catty-family, only human. It was covered in some grey stuff, which got up my nose and made me catty-choo.

In another corner was a long metal stick. It had a long wiry thing coming out of the top, with a small yellow ball dangling from it. This looked like a big catty-toy, so I gave it a few paw-swats. Then I miaowed at it.

On one side of this room I also found a big metal thing on legs. it smelt like burnt meat, so I licked it.
When I realised it didn't taste that good I went over to the other side of the room. There was a long, flat, wooden thing coming out of the wall. It had lots of objects on it.
One of these objects was a pot that had the word 'Dulux' written on it. It had blue drips down one side, but they were dry. This made me curious. I wanted to know what was in the pot.
I saw that the bit on top of the pot was loose, so I leaned closer to look at it. I think I've had one too many catty-biscuits recently though, as the whole wooden flat thing tilted towards me. This made the pot fall off. It hit the floor and made a 'splot' noise, then blue stuff leaked everywhere. Maybe it's a creature and it felt poorly, so did a sort of blue catty-vom?

I was scared so I ran off.

When I got in daddy looked confused and made a sound like 'why have you got dust all over you'? I didn't understand so I just blinked at him.

Below is a picture of a room, like the one I explored.

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