Sunday, 9 September 2012

Fun and Games

So, having all seen the same thing (lots of humans leaping, moving quickly, throwing things), on those screens that humans watch, my catty-friends and I decided to make up our own games.

There were just the five of us; me, Steve, Lulu, Tinkerbell, and Pumpkin (some cat-mums and cat-dads give their cats such weird names. Pumpkin said she read about humans that have called their own human-kittens 'Apple' and 'Harper Seven', but I don't believe her).

Lulu has heard that these human-games, we've seen on the screens, are called 'Olympics'  and 'Paralympics'.
Sounds odd, but we decided to call our games 'Cattylympics'.

We came up with our ideas, for Cattylympics, in the shade at the back of Steve's territory, under the trees. We did this as our mummies and daddies think we're having a catty-fight if they see us all together, and they run out making a noise 'shooo, shooo'.

We came up with five types of game;

*Racing across the back gardens, leaping the barriers in between them; we called this 'Fencing'

*Running up to a big flower bed, in Pumpkin's garden, and seeing how far into it we could land; we called this 'The Long-Pounce'

*A straight sprint to the big tree at the end of Tinkerbell's garden. We measured the distance in Cat-Lengths (CL), so called it 'The 20CL Run'

*Spinning in a circle then, on the turn, swatting a mouse as far as possible; We called this 'Swatcus'

*Holding a big, bendy twig between our teeth, putting one end in the ground then trying to spring up over a low branch; 'Tree-vault'.

It was really good fun, and we gave prizes. If you were the best cat in a particular game, you won five duck and liver biscuits. If you were second best, you won tuna and vegetable biscuits. If you were third best you won dog biscuits.
Those that got prizes, for each game, all lined up next to each other too.The cat that was best had the catty-anthem sung to them;

Miaow, Miaow, Miaoww, Miaowwww, Miaowwww, Miaow.
Miaow Miaow, Miaowww, Miaowwww, Miaow, Miaow. Miaow, Miaow, Miaow, Miaow.

Miaow, Miaow, Miiiii-iiii-aowww.
Miaow, Miiaow, Miiii-iiii-aowww.

Miaow, Miaow, Miaow, Miaow, Miaow , Miaowwwwwww, Miaow, Miaow, Miaow.
Miii-aow, Miaow, Miaow.

When Steve won a game, it was really embarassing as he didn't know all of the words to the catty-anthem. He should know them really.

I got duck and liver for two games, and tuna and vegetable for one, so I was very pleased.

We have agreed to do the same thing again next year.

I'm very tired now, so I'm going to take a nap, after washing my paws.

Here is a picture of Lulu and Steve Fencing (I am too far ahead to be seen)...

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